Japonica group cultivar Nipponbare (Nip) and Indica group cultivar 93-11 are the two main cultivated varieties and parental lines for breeding in Asia. The database provides a vastly improved de novo assembly and annotation of Nipponbare and 93-11 reference genomes. The newly assembled Nip and 93-11 reference genomes displayed 2.2-fold (contig N50: 16,974 kb versus 7,711 kb) and 460-fold (9,640 kb versus 21 kb) higher contiguity than Nip MSU7 (http://rice.plantbiology.msu.edu/index.shtml) and 93-11 BGI (http://rise2.genomics.org.cn/page/rice/index.jsp) genomes, respectively. The new reference assembly has greatly reduced the gap number, from 905 gaps of MSU7 to 18 gaps of BRI for Nip, and 54,600 gaps of BGI to 65 gaps of BRI for 93-11. The new genome assemblies corrected 152 and 8,347 gene annotation errors in Nip and 93-11, respectively, including corrections of gene orientation and gene structure, and identified a number of new genes. Recently, DNA N6-methyldeoxyadenine (6mA) opens a new and promising dimension of epigenetic research. This website firstly provides 6mA DNA methylation at a single-nucleotide resolution in Nip and 93-11 associated with actively expressed genes in rice. 6mA is broadly distributed across rice genomes and is significantly enriched in promoters and exons. Importantly, based on the expression data, 6mA is associated with actively expressed genes in rice.
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